Few Things Need to Know Before Register a Domain Name Anywhere
There is many feature’s in domain most of them are with fees. That mean you have to pay for those.
1. Transfer-out and Transfer In fees:-
Most of to registrar has transfer in and transfer out fees as registration. to transfer a domain to another registrar you have to pay transfer in fees. You may have to pay transfer out as well to some company.You may face problem to transfer a domain from Godaddy to other.
if you renew or register a domain name for 5 year. registrar may register your domain for 1 year and rest of your money in their pockets .They will renew your domain every year. Just check how year’s your domain registered in whois data
3.whois Edit The registrar-lock:
Check before register a domain. you may have to pay whois edit fees.
Some may also “lockdown” your domain for 60 days every time you make an edit to your record, preventing you from moving the name out to another registrar.
4.The domain auth-code:
Few Top Level Domains (TLDs) run with a protocol called “EPP” and to protect unauthorized transfers, a domain must have an 8 letter auth code supplied before it will transfer. You need it if you want to move your domain away.
5. Domain parking:
Domain parking is a business for domain register.If you park your domain register may earns from your domain.what sort of parking service they provide you have to know it.
6. “Free” URL Forwarding:
Check for URL forwarding service is free or paid.
7. Whois Update fees and locks:
Some registrar charge you for whois update and doamin lock fees.check their fees list.
8. Domain Defender:
To Access domain control dashboard .You have to face Two-step security like domain defender.
So consider these things before buy a domain from anywhere.